Somali Giraffe Project

Partnering with indigenous communities to conserve giraffes in northeastern Kenya.

Anti Poaching

Our anti-antipoaching program is constituted of local Somali pastoralists recruited voluntarily and trained to help reduce illegal activities across vast northeastern Kenya.


Snaring is a big menace to the conservation of endangered species; poachers have adapted ways of setting wire & rope traps to trap wildlife by entangling the legs or the neck.

Somali Giraffe

Although the region harbors the majority of reticulated giraffe populations, little is known about their population abundance, densities and distribution along


The region is inhabited by nomadic pastoralist that keeps large herds of livestock which inadvertently leads to a potential threat of disease outbreaks.


Human population growth and change in land-use are some of the leading causes of giraffe habitat loss and fragmentation in our region.

Community Engagements

The community is an essential pillar to the conservation of the endangered reticulated giraffe, therefore, We strive to engage the community

Helping giraffes and farmers to live in harmony

Helping giraffes and farmers to live in harmony

Helping giraffes and farmers to live in harmony